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November Events

Glacier Ridge hero run quarter marathon

November 4 | 9:00 am | Glacier Ridge

Hero Run Quarter Marathon

The quarter marathon course will open for 2 hours, race start at 9:00 am.

The 5k course will be open for 1 hour, race starts at 9:10 am.

It's story time

November 16 | 10:45 am | Pasquale’s

Story Time in the Community CenterĀ 

Come join story time with Pasquale’s and the Union County Library.

family movie night

Family Movie Night with Pasquale’s

November 21 | 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Pasquale’s

Celebrate family and kick off Thanksgiving break with the JV community center.

We will be showing a family friendly movie on the big screen. Contact Pasquale’s for more information.