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From the Superintendent’s Desk: Eversole Run will be new school with historical name

Article originally published in This Week News by Tod Hoadley

During its regular meeting Nov. 23, the Dublin Board of Education voted unanimously to name middle school five, in Jerome Village, Eversole Run Middle School.

Eversole Run is a creek that flows west from the Scioto River, ending in a body of water known as Twin Lakes Reservoir in Union County. It is the closest body of water to the new school. Eversole also is a local family name with a long running history in our community. Eversole family members in our area date back to the early 1800s, and Eversole Cemetery is on Concord Road.

Eversole Run Middle School will be open for students at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year. It will be physically connected to Abraham Depp Elementary School, and the two facilities will share a kitchen, saving significant taxpayer dollars.

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