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Dublin Coffman High School Weekly Newsletter

Coffman Parents,
Thank you to all of the Coffman Families for helping make this week’s Open House a success!
Please take a moment and review the important information below regarding upcoming events at Coffman.
Wishing everyone a positive and productive weekend.
Matt Parrill

Coffman News
Rocks Bowl Wednesday 9/14/22
Our annual Rocks Bowl is quickly approaching!
On 9/14 there will be two flag football games at Coffman Stadium to help raise money for this year’s prom.
Sign-ups for Rocks Bowl will be held before school and during lunch from 8/29-9/2.
The cost is $20 for each player and coach.
Cost of signing up includes the t-shirt fee for this event. If you have any questions please email: @[email protected] or @[email protected].

Class of 2023 Apparel
Interested in ordering Senior Apparel? Please see link below:
Senior Apparel
Orders must be placed online
Samples will be available in the Rock Shop
Ordering deadline is Sunday September 4th

PSAT Wednesday 10/12/22
Dublin City Schools will be offering the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 to all current juniors. This testing opportunity will be free of cost for all juniors. This PSAT/NMSQT administration will give students the opportunity to gain access to scholarships, prep for the SAT, and connect to AP courses.
Due to PSAT testing in our high schools on October 12, there will be no Working Wednesday schedule on that day. On October 12, all high school students will attend school during the standard time schedule.

Current ninth and tenth grade students are able to sign up for this opportunity by completing the following registration form and paying $25: PSAT Registration 9th & 10th Grade Students

Additional information can be found here:
11th Grade Parent Letter
9th and 10th Grade Parent Letter

Coffman Yearbook 22-23
Interested in ordering a 2022-2023 Coffman Yearbook? CLICK HERE for info.

Community Bulletin 8/26 – 9/5

Important September Dates at Coffman
Monday September 5th – No School
Wednesday September 14th – Rocks Bowl 6pm Coffman Stadium
Saturday September 17th – Homecoming Dance 8pm Coffman Stadium
Wednesday September 21st – Virtual Q&A with Principal 6pm – 8pm (links will be sent out)
Thursday September 29th – Parent Teacher Conferences 3pm – 6:30pm

District News
The School Zone Podcast
The School Zone Podcast is back for its second year! Join Superintendent Dr. John Marschhausen and his guests by listening to our episodes on our website or wherever you listen to podcasts. Check out our most recent episode where Dr. Marschhausen talked with our union presidents Donna O’Connor and Cheryl Williams.

Protect Your Students with the Drug Take Back
With the school year beginning, ensure you create a risk-free environment at home for your students and their friends. Dispose of unwanted, unused medications on Saturday, Aug. 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Dublin Justice Center. What to drop off at the Drug Take Back.

Syntero Program
Syntero will be hosting an Overdose Prevention Informational Session and Community Training on Aug. 31 from 6-7 p.m. All community members are invited to attend this free event, which will provide education, resources and conversation around community efforts to challenge the Opioid Epidemic impacting Central Ohio communities. The event will be held at Syntero’s Dublin location (299 Cramer Creek Court, Dublin, OH 43017), but virtual participation is also available. Click here to register.